CJS Sponsors .... a swift box.

A swift box with North Wales Wildlife Trust.

Another one of our adoptions following last year's readership survey.

This is a North Wales Wildlife Trust project to try and help struggling swift populations. The Trust aims to do this by a) raising awareness and gathering information on swift colonies, b) installing special swift nest boxes on suitable buildings in the area, and c) inspiring volunteers and ‘swift champions’ in local communities.

Not all buildings are suitable for a swift box but by helping to sponsor a box you can still help.

We chose the swift because there's nothing so evocative of summer as the sound of swifts screaming and whilst we're fortunate enough to have a healthy population not everyone gets to experience the joy of the avian Red Arrows.

You can sponsor your own swift box (or other species) with the North Wales Wildlife Trust here or birds with other county Wildlife Trusts here.


Last year we ran our short readership survey and every completed survey went towards sponsoring plants with former featured charity Plantlife or birds with the Wildlife Trusts, offering you the choice as to which you'd pick. The results were evenly split: 50.7% for birds with the Wildlife Trusts and 49.2% for plants with Plantlife.  So we've done both and will be sharing the many adoptions certificates with you over the coming weeks and gently suggesting you might like to adopt one too! 

If you missed the survey you can send us your comments, thoughts and feedback at any time, simply email us and as you can see we really do listen and make changes according to what you've suggested.