People need Parks

Never before have our nation’s, indeed the world’s, parks been in such focus. Whilst to some the decision to keep them open during the pandemic has sparked questions, to others they have been a lifeline. Now in celebration of European Day of Parks on 24 May #ParksForHealth Chris Worman or Rugby Borough Council and the Parks Action Group details the importance of parks and green spaces now and in the future.  Covid-19 has not only brought challenges to the sector, but has focused a lot of attention on how people engage with their local green space. Some people have rediscovered spaces on their doorstep that they haven’t visited in years, whilst others struggle not to sit on the grass and enjoy the sunshine.
Chris has long argued that parks are an essential part of the fabric of all our communities. Whether for health and wellbeing, exercise, relaxation, places to volunteer and socialise, for children to play, encountering nature or just providing a place to gather your thoughts. That’s without even touching on all the climate emergency, environmental and biodiversity benefits too. With 37 million annual visits to our nations parks and green spaces you’d have thought we would have already recognised their importance. 

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