it's been a year.

Having watched with growing horror the march of the novel coronavirus (as it was called way back then) across the globe since early January 2020 the necessity to send the CJS Team home and close the office shouldn't have come as much of a shock. Details on remote access had been worked out, how to instructions written up, printed and handed out and plans were in place for everyone to have a go from home each taking it turns so we could sort out any problems whilst keeping the main CJS work ongoing and uninterrupted. But that didn’t happen. All our best laid plans went out of the window when one team member reported coughing children kept home from school (they didn't have it, it was a false alarm - phew). Our trial run turned into the real thing within hours and mid-morning Monday 16 March 2020 the CJS office closed and has remained that way ever since. 

Making today our lockdowninversary.

Here's last year's announcement.

All our updates,  announcements and current status are on our dedicated Covid-19 page here.