Now published: CJS Focus on Volunteering in association with The Conservation Volunteers

Our second offering this year runs to 34 pages in total. The lead article is from The Conservation Volunteers, it details their Employee Action Days, giving some information about how beneficial such volunteering is to the participants and how TCV manage the projects. Trees for Life run Conservation Weeks where participants give up their time to volunteer with tasks such as tree planting, fencing and invasive species management. They run us through a typical week on one of their holidays in Scotland. The European Citizen Science Association introduces itself. Annie Robinson from the University of Aberdeen and OPAL talks about what happened at the Digital Conservation conference and how digital technology should be fully incorporated in to nature conservation. There are many opportunities to volunteer in zoos; Adam Cook at Dartmoor Zoological Park discusses the importance of volunteer involvement in his research work and how you can help out. Wildfowl & Wetland Trust talk about some of their opportunities and how they match volunteer expectations within their recruitment process.  The increasingly important role of a Volunteer Manager is discussed by the Canal & River Trust and Rachael Whaites at South Somerset District Council talks about the apprenticeships that the Council run, why they decided to deliver the service and how much they get from the recruits. Volunteer Groups and how to succeed – Dorset Wildlife Trust give details on the many groups that are run within the county and provide some tips on how best to set up and run such organisations. This edition also includes 99 specific volunteer positions most included only in the Focus and many adverts for projects, websites, work days & volunteering offers.