15 pages of articles and adverts covering water including the lead from the Canal & River Trust describing the new charity and the future it sees for Britain's waterways. Other articles include one from the Cumbria Freshwater Invasive Non-Native Species Initiative describing how alien species are transported around the country via the water network and ways to reduce that spread. Game & Wildlife Conservation Trust have provided an article about their Water Friendly Farming project and discussing the shocking extent of freshwater pollution. Pond Conservation's Million Ponds Project is included giving details of the successful first phase of the programme and aspirations for the next. RSPB Wales discuss the importance of blanket bog in Wales using the LIFE Active Blanket Bog in Wales Project as background. The coastal aspect of the water theme is covered by Niall Benson of Durham Heritage Coast who describes the dramatic changes seen on the coastline over the last 20 years. The Wildlife Trusts promote their Living Seas campaign and SEPA very kindly provided an article about the way they tackle flooding in Scotland. Plus lots more....
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