Countryside Ranger for the Parks and Countryside Service at Durham County Council


Background image: blurred photo of shrubbery. Durham County Council logo at the top centre. Text reads: Countryside Ranger for the Parks & Countryside Service #WorldFemaleRangerWeek

Being a ranger isn’t just about knowing the land you work on well, it’s so much more than that!

For #WorldFemaleRangerWeek, Emma - a Countryside Ranger for Durham County Council - Tells us that the skills needed for the role are varied. You have to be practically minded and be able to think on your feet as jobs rarely go to plan. As the role often brings you into contact with the public, you also need to be friendly, approachable, be able to listen and articulate yourself well. 

Find out what else the role entails and how you too might be able to get into a position like this, here