Clean Air Day - 20 June

An adult and child highlighted in orange walking up a path towards a sign saying ‘the path to green air blocked’. Two tickets in the bottom corner say ‘let’s get it back on track’. Text reads: Air pollution is the biggest environmental threat to your health.

You may be exposed to higher levels of air pollution because of where you live – for example, if you live in a town or city, or near a busy road – and certain people are more vulnerable to its affects (including children, the elderly, and people with health conditions).

If everyone felt that they had the option to travel in ways that are better for our health and the planet, we could all breathe cleaner air every day.

This Clean Air Day, use your voice to call on our next government to ensure that everyone can access public transport that is reliable, affordable, and efficient. Sign the petition now and share it with your friends, family, and community to show our next government that people want action on air pollution.

Find out more here