Surveillance for Acute Oak Decline: Developing new methods to analyse and add value to volunteer reports - International Day of Plant Health

the pock marked rough bark of a tree. Text reads: Surveillance for Acute Oak Decline
The introductions of exotic pests and diseases are already having large-scale impacts on trees and woodlands across Great Britain, but spotting new pests and diseases quickly after they arrive is difficult! 

Having volunteers report trees they are concerned about is extremely useful, and luckily for us, Forest Research UK have made the process very straightforward with their TreeAlert web based app! You can report suspicious trees and receive a diagnosis via experts through their Tree Health Diagnostic and Advisory Service (THDAS). 

How easy is that?! 

As it’s #InternationalDayofPlantHealth on the 12th May, why not take a closer look at the issues our native trees are struggling with, and how you can help, here