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Canada, Russia, Scandinavia and Svalbard
Bewick's swan (WWT) |
Many of us herald the arrival of the first swallow in spring, note the last time we hear a cuckoo, and occasionally mark the passing of large v-shaped skein of geese overhead. But do you ever think about the journeys they undertake or what awaits them when they make landfall in the UK? Hundreds of thousands of geese and swans will soon be arriving here after leaving breeding grounds further north. For World Migratory Bird Day Adrian Oldman of Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust explains a little about these wonderful birds, their journeys and what WWT are doing to help these bird populations.
For hundreds of thousands of migratory birds, far-flung places like Svalbard & Russia are their summer breeding grounds. But each year as the days start to shorten, these birds begin their journeys across land and sea, arriving hundreds and even thousands of miles later on the UK’s shores.
WWT aim to preserve the wetlands that these birds need to over-winter and build up their fat reserves before starting their incredible journey back to their northern breeding grounds next spring.
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