CJS Professional: July 2024 edition

The latest edition of CJS Professional is now online, read it in full here: http://www.countryside-jobs.com/professional/  (you may need to refresh your browser)

Click the headers to browse each section, or click on each item 


30 adverts for posts plus one self employed position included in this edition.
Please note adverts are deleted as they reach the closing date.


CJS Information 

This July we are celebrating our 30th anniversary. Who’d have thought in July 1994 that the Countryside Jobs Service would still be here thirty years later, never mind that it would have become the all encompassing countryside information service it is today? [more]

In celebration of our anniversary we have launched a Photography Competition. Open for 9 weeks we want to throw the spotlight onto all the aspects of working in the countryside. We want the nitty gritty, life behind the scenes the less polished aspects the visiting public usually don't see. [more]

CJS Photography Competition Trophy for the overall winner. The reasons behind why we made our first commission for the competition [more]

The CIEEM 2024 Awards. We were honoured to sponsor the NGO Impact Award and are excited that the winner is also an organisation CJS supports. [more]

Features and In Depth Features

2024 is the UN Year of Camelids. A Day in the Life of Danielle Hearne – Deer and Antelope Keeper at Whipsnade Zoo 

15 July is World Youth Skills Day. The next generation in nature, by SCRA's Scottish Junior Rangers 

The nature skills gap, by Chris Seekings, Deputy Editor of IEMA’s Transform magazine for Green Careers Hub

Small Charities Week ran from 24 to 28 June. Whitby Wildlife Sanctuary, our journey and how you can be part of something special

New task force for tackling crimes involving hen harriers, UK National Wildlife Crime Unit

In celebration of plastic Free July. Plastic Pellets - a significant but overlooked source of global microplastics pollution, by Jamie Clarkson, The Great Nurdle Hunt Project Officer

Nature-Friendly Farming: How producing food and protecting biodiversity must work together, by the Nature Friendly Farming Network 

Job Profile: Countryside Ranger for the Parks and Countryside Service at Durham County Council

Job Profile: Mycologist Chris Knowles 

In case you missed it, 4 features worth revisiting

CJS Focus

CJS Focus on Visitor Management was published on 24 June and is included in full here 

Next Edition: CJS Focus on Forestry and Arboriculture, in association with Royal Forestry Society. Due for publication on 7 October 2024.  This edition will contain articles about working in this area, job profiles and anything associated with careers in forestry and arboriculture. [Find out more here]

Features from CJS Focus on Volunteering in Association with Chester Zoo

The benefits of Volunteering By Abbie Johnson, People and Volunteering Manager, Kent Wildlife Trust 

More information here or read the article here

News from this month



Calendar of events and short courses occurring in September plus additions made over the past month.




The next edition of CJS Professional will be published on: 8 August

Got something to share or want to advertise? The deadline is: 5pm Friday 2 August

Contact us by email: ranger@countryside-jobs.com