GWCT Big Farmland Bird Count – a barometer of the countryside

a sparrow fluffed up on a snow covered branch in a bright blue sky. Text reads: Big Farmland Bird Count - a barometer of the countryside
If you are wondering why you may be seeing people standing in the corner of a field in their wellies with a pair of binoculars this month, no need to be confused, it’s for a good cause!
That’s right it’s that time of year again for the #BigFarmlandBirdCount with the Game & Wildlife Conservation Trust! 

It’s an incredibly important time of year for farmland birds as there’s so little food available, and a valuable time for farmers to see where they may be able to provide supplementary winter habitats. 

With 72% of the land in the UK being farmland, the Big Farmland Bird Count is one of the most important tools to measure the effects of conservation efforts. 

Learn more about how you can get involved, here