A new website page and an update
We've muddled through getting to grips with working from home but we think everything is now up and running, there's no one in the office so please email us, if absolutely essential we can phone you back, but we apologise for whatever you may hear in the background!
As long as we keep receiving jobs and organisations release news we'll keep on posting the information online and producing the regular updates and newsletters, so for now we're open and it's business (almost) as usual.
New page: COVID19 - Information and advice
instead of us trying to keep on top of the ever changing advice and how it affects all aspects of the sector we're collating the advice pages from the main organisations here: https://www.countryside-jobs.com/covid/covid-info If you know of an organisation that has dedicated Covid-19 advice that isn't on the page let us know and we'll add it.