The fourth article from our featured charity, The Canal & River Trust

(Canal & River Trust)
The Trust introduces readers to two of their taskforce, Graduate Ecologist, Caitlin joined in August 2018. She says, “Doing my work placement at the Trust really opened my eyes. The roles here are so varied, with a strong element of conservation as well as ecology. I regularly work on the Pocklington Canal Site of Special Scientific Interest, which is such a beautiful spot. I feel lucky to be able to spend time in the fresh air.”
We also meet Jonathan, Senior Ecologist who has worked for the Trust for nearly 20 years. “Canals are brilliant. Working here means you get to see places that most people don’t even know are there, little havens for nature right in the middle of urban areas. And it’s amazing to see how animals use these linear pathways to get around.”

Read on to find out more about what working with the Trust entails