National Lazy Day

Did you know there's such a thing? No, it was news to us too but it will be very welcome seeing as Saturday is Show Day! otherwise known as the most exhausting day of the year... the following Sunday is usually a lazy recovery type of day. So for it to be 'official' just makes it all the more welcome.

However, Maia says every day is Lazy Day - but that's the privilege of a 14yo labrador!

This week a man was foolish enough to pick up an adder, he was bitten three times for his trouble and is now in a critical condition in hospital. We occasionally see adders whilst out and about but not too many because my thunderous footed pack tend to scare them away so it's usually only spring and autumn when the reptiles are a little cold and sluggish that we get to see them.  However, on Sunday afternoon on our way back home we timed it just wrong and had to wait for the steam train to pull out of the station before we could cross the track, Hester and I sat on the steps from the moor to the station and there basking on the raised flower bed edging was a beautiful male common lizard.  Our other unusual sighting this week was not so pleasing, on the back road is the shoulder and top part of a wing from, what I think was, a tawny owl; we have plenty of owls (although maybe not so many this year for some reason) and this a common area for them to roost, nest and hunt, but I've never come across either dead ones or parts of before.

Back in the office the latest edition of CJS Weekly has gone to press, digital editions are on their way, this week there are 13 pages with 47 adverts for paid posts plus four for volunteers.