Bird song

Living in the middle of the moors, has its benefits sometimes.  On Sunday morning pouring in through the bedroom window was the first call of the returning curlew, now there are several taking up residence around the village and their bubbling cries are heard most mornings.  Then on Sunday afternoon a flock of 30 or so lapwing curled their way in, landing in the field with a flurry of large spoon wings. Monday morning was the creaky gate of the pheasants squaring off and herding the hen birds into the copse. Wednesday brought the 'go-back, go-'back' from the grouse rolling down the hill into the garden.  Every evening the blackbirds serenade the twilight and the song thrush heralds the mornings from the top of the conifer by the gate - which is also providing a suitable perch for the tawny owl, she's kwicking away in the early hours which is not quite so welcome!  Gardens at the top end of the village have an influx of reed buntings; but to beat it all is a report from a few doors away where they have a merlin helping herself to the sparrows nesting in the dense hedge.  She's not made it as far as us yet but we can hope.
When we're grumbling about getting anywhere in the snow or moaning about the nearest supermarket being nine miles away will you remind us about the wonderful bird life?

Despite the avian distractions there is a CJS Weekly in the works to you, 22 pages with 26 adverts for volunteers and 62 for paid posts.