It was a sou'wester

St Swithin's hat that is.  A lovely sunny day all day last Friday and then on Saturday it started raining and I don't think it stopped all week! Which means that our Big Butterfly Count was a complete wash out, not a single one. We'll try again this weekend.
If it had been a big bird count we could have added one adult tawny owl, who has spent most of the week on the wires under the eaves and yesterday evening an owlet who stumbled onto one of the colonnade poles (about eight feet above the ground but only fencing rail thickness) and then bobbed up and down whilst trying to figure out what the people were (edible or not perhaps?) before an adult called and it fell off the post. Those lovely big wings opened wide and few frantic flaps later it just about cleared the back hedge.
We've been going round in circles this week - google circles that is - do you plus? If you do you'll find us at: We're still working it out so forgive us if it takes a while for us to get the hang of it - any pointers most gratefully received.
For Weekly readers a big(ish) announcement next week, this week's edition has gone to press and is already online. A bit smaller this week at eleven pages with 41 new paid posts of which 25 came direct to CJS.