CJS Professional: 11 November 2021
25 adverts included in this edition at time of publication.
Please note adverts are deleted as they reach the closing date.
Apprenticeships, Interns and paid trainee roles
1 advert: Natural Prospects Traineeships x 6 & Love your River Stour Traineeships x 2 with The Wildlife Trust for Birmingham and the Black Country
CJS Updates and other useful information
Advance Notice of CJS deadlines and publication dates over Christmas and New Year. [more]
Resources for Students, Careers Advisers, Universities, Colleges and anyone helping the next generation of countryside staff.
In the month that the Government's Environmental Audit Committee warns that "Inconsistent Government policy on green jobs and a knowledge-gap in necessary skills are resulting in missed opportunities"
it seems timely to remind everyone of what CJS can offer to help
students seeking jobs in the conservation and environmental field. [more]
New: Student free student subscriptions
the last two years during this strangest of times we have offered free
subscriptions to graduating students. These have been particularly well
received and we've decided to make this a permanent offer from CJS to
all new graduate and students. More information here and no obligation sign up is here.
Employability Talk - now available to view at your leisure
a talk providing brilliant insight in to exactly what an employer is
looking for in applications and interviews, Lizzy Pinkerton from Belfast
Hills Partnership walks us along the recruitment path. More information here or go straight to view the talk here.

All things that are core to CJS's principals: CJS is an ethical business working in harmony with environmental professionals to conserve the British countryside and natural world. Motivated by conservation success not profits. It's for this reason that we advertise so many things totally free of charge and do our level best to keep costs as low as possible. [more]
Can you help two young farmers looking for grazing in the Suffolk area? [more]

It's been a critical year for National Parks. Not only have they welcomed record numbers of visitors - including first-time visitors - while trying to navigate a pandemic, they've been battling an even bigger crisis - climate change. The impact of climate change is felt deeply in our National Parks, from weather extremes to species decline. National Parks also hold the key to addressing the crisis. [more]
We'll be introducing our new featured charity in next month's edition.
Features and In Depth Articles
CJS are very proud of the number of feature articles we have on the
website. All provided by conservation professions to give you more
insight in to a specific job, a certain project, a new initiative or
something going on in the sector. Over the last month all artciles have
been checked for accuracy, some out of date ones have come down, others
have had further information added in. Search here https://www.countryside-jobs.com/in-depth#search
Shifting Sands – Back from the Brink By Pip Mountjoy, Lead Adviser at Natural England
Breckland and its Rabbits: pest or landscape engineer? The way that we view rabbits, and their impact on the environment, tends to be black or white. They’re seen as pets or they’re seen as a pest whose populations need to be controlled. After all, they ‘breed like rabbits’, right? Well, it’s not quite that simple. Whilst it’s true that a rabbit on cropland or on the golfing green is a pest, in some semi-natural habitats, like grassland and heathland, rabbits play an essential role as habitat engineers. [more]

The Countryside Management Association (CMA) is the largest organisation supporting the work of conservation, access and recreation professionals in the natural greenspace and countryside sector throughout England, Wales and Northern Ireland.
A refreshed overview of everything the CMA has to offer and an introduction to the newly introduced accredited membership [more]
The dream for a more inclusive vision of nature By Dr Mya-Rose Craig AKA ‘Birdgirl’
I was thirteen years old, I read an article in the American Birding
Association about the need for more Visible Minority Ethnic (VME) people
in nature. It was if a lightbulb went off in my head. As a young
British Bangladeshi birder, I had noticed that there were very few
people who looked like me and my family in the countryside, but I had
not thought about why this was the case. Nature needs everyone… and
everyone needs nature. [more]
It’s tree planting season, what are you waiting for? By Dr Matthew Ling, Project Lead, Cambridge Canopy Project, Cambridge City Council
you happen to need a reason to persuade yourself that planting a new
tree in your garden is the right thing to do, you are in luck, as there
has never been a better or more fitting time to get involved. this
article looks at several of the tree planting campaigns and projects
from teh Queen's Green Canopy to Cambridge's own Free Trees for Babies
and a plea to add your trees to the Cambridge Tree Map. [more]

The launch of “Aim to Sustain” this summer was a seismic shift in the approach of rural organisations in favour of working smarter and quicker for the benefit of shooting-related conservation and land management. There is no denying that each of the nine partner organisations have operated effectively in their own right down the years. [more]
CJS Focus
Most recent edition: , CJS
Focus on Careers in Ecology & Biodiversity in association with the
Chartered Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management (CIEEM)
has an in depth look at how to enter and to progress through this area
of the sector; subjects covered include the skills needed, the variety
of jobs available, what it's actually like as an early career ecologist,
a day in the life and more.
Lots of news around COP26 announcement and reactions. Reactions to
the Autumn Budget Statement, news on rewilding efforts and peatland
management and restoration, several new projects and many receiving new
funding including those creating jobs across the sector.
Training and Events
Calendar of events and short courses occurring in January 2022 plus additions made over the past month.

This year’s event is taking place online, using MS Teams, on Wednesday 24 November. Following the successful collaboration with the Open University and the iSpot team last year, we are delighted to be running this as a co-hosted event again in 2021. The Conference will consist primarily of 10 minute talks plus Q&A, as well as a keynote presentation, given by Craig Bennett, Chief Executive Officer of The Wildlife Trusts and the annual Sir John Burnett Memorial Lecture, given by Professor Rosie Hails, Director of Nature and Science at The National Trust. [more]
The next edition of CJS Professional will be published on: 9 December
Got something to share or want to advertise? The deadline is: 5pm Monday 6 December