CJS Professional: November 2016 edition

The latest edition of CJS Professional is now online, read it in full here: www.countryside-jobs.com/Professional/current.htm   You may need to refresh your browser.

Jobs advertised in this Month's edition:
Full-time Forester, Lilburn Estates Farming Partnership (Northumberland)
Director, Caring for God's Acre
Peatland Monitoring Officer, fixed term to 31/3/18, Yorkshire Wildlife Trust

CJS Notices
CJS Focus on Volunteering is included in full this edition in association with Groundwork.
The next edition will be: CJS Focus on Overcoming Barriers and is in association with the Outdoor Recreation network
We're looking at things that prevent people from gaining access to the countryside whether that's a physical reason (disability), a lack of knowledge & understanding or a cultural barrier.

What advertisers think of Countryside Jobs Service
Advertisers survey responses so far this year:
97.5% of advertisers would recommend CJS.
70% of advertisers think the standard of applicant from CJS is better than from adverts placed elsewhere.
75.8% say the response rate is as good or better than from other adverts and 48.5% say it's better.
So don't forget to ask your HR Team to place your vacancies with CJS to get the very best candidates!

Top headlines from the past month: Click here to read

Training Calendar Click here to read
Short Courses and Events in December.  3 pages
We're now listing events and courses in 2017, send your information today to training@countryside-jobs.com or submit online here.  Also look at the new options for greater promotion and revised rates.

Classified and, Grants and Funding Click here
5 new funding sources listed and information on the Woodland Trust's free new toolkit.

Print length this edition: 111
That's a lot to read however CJS Professional is set so that you can skim the headers and pick out the articles that are appropriate for you or use the links above to go direct to each section.

The next edition of CJS Professional will be published on: 10 November
Got something to share or want to advertise? The deadline is: 5pm Monday 7 November
Contact us by email: ranger@countryside-jobs.com