Crazy, crazy week

Everyone seems to be trying to fit things in before next week's Bank Holidays. We're looking forward to a few quiet days. We will be open as usual on Fridays 22 & 29 but only until 4pm but the office will close on the Bank Holiday Mondays 25 April and 2 May.
The grass was cut for the first time this week, it's a bit patchy and could do with some reseeding, one area is particularly poor but doesn't see much traffic so we're going seed with meadow mix and plug plant wild meadow flowers, one less section to mow each week!  We're in favour of that and will watch with interest to see what additional wildlife it will bring in.  Although we'd rather the rabbits stayed in the field.
We have lots of swallows swooping about but no sign of any martins or swifts yet however we have had reports of some wheatears.
This week's Weekly edition has gone to press and being the third edition of the month it has the Training Diary for June - or rather half of it, HB's request for lots more events was rather successful and the full diary is eleven pages!  So this week you're getting countryside management, environment education and community engagement plus practical skills, next week it's the identification and first aid courses. Oh and a few jobs too! 54 new paid posts of which 48 came direct to CJS.