CJS Professional: June 2024 edition

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The latest edition of CJS Professional is now online, read it in full here: http://www.countryside-jobs.com/professional/  (you may need to refresh your browser)

Click the headers to browse each section, or click on each item 


43 adverts for posts plus one for a trainee post included in this edition.
Please note adverts are deleted as they reach the closing date.



Apprenticeships, Trainees and Interns

RFS Forestry Roots Paid Traineeships for people aged 18-30 years old, run by Royal Forestry Society, 8 placements available this year.



The benefits of volunteering are myriad to both the organisation and the volunteer [more]
If you'd like to join our amazing army of volunteers giving their time and skills to make a massive difference to our countryside, conservation and wildlife, see what's needed across the sector and available near  you by wandering through our online Volunteer Directory.


CJS Information 

This July, Countryside Jobs Service will celebrate 30 years since the first edition was published in 1994. Over our thirty years CJS has become the trusted countryside specialist, we've never focused on providing large numbers of applications, instead we've always offered highly targeted advertising. [more]
The fourth article from our Featured Charity for 2024: The Rivers Trust.  Not just for nerds: Why data makes a difference, written by Rebecca Duncan, Media & Events Lead
In our last article, we put the spotlight on our fantastic technical team, so this time  we’re mixing it up and highlighting some of the non-technical roles that are such essential cogs in the Rivers Trust machine [more]    

Another happy customer. We like to think we go above and beyond for the professionals we work with in the conservation sector. It’s lovely to hear when our customers think so too. [more]

Are you thinking of recruiting Volunteers?  It’s a fact of life that the countryside sector needs a vast army of volunteers to help keep everything ticking over and CJS advertises hundreds of voluntary roles, over 400 adverts were published in 2023. Whilst it might seem the perfect fix to a perpetual problem of needing more hands but no available funds there is actually more to it than handing out jobs without impacting your budget. Find out more in this article from CS Editor Kerryn published to coincide with Volunteers Week

Features and In Depth Features

CJS Focus

Current Edition: CJS Focus on Volunteering in association with Chester Zoo. Published on 6 February 2024, read it here

Next Edition: CJS Focus on Visitor Management in association with Visitor Studies Group, due for publication 24 June More information about this edition here.  NB: Deadline for adverts is TOMORROW 14 June so you'd better be quick!

Features from CJS Focus on Volunteering
Green spaces need friends! – The why, what and how of Friends Groups By Dave Morris, Chair, National Federation of Parks and Green Spaces
More information here or read the article here
Volunteering – Discover the New You By: Marie Harvey, Communications Officer, Loch Lomond and the Trossachs Countryside Trust
More information here or read the article here


News from the month



Calendar of events and short courses occurring in August plus additions made over the past month.


Useful Information

Free copy of ‘30 years of Red Squirrel Conservation Research on the Isle of Wight’: After 30 years of study into red squirrels and their habitat, Wight Squirrel Project Manager and founder, Helen Butler MBE, has published her reports and experience in red squirrel conservation on the Isle of Wight. [more]



The next edition of CJS Professional will be published on: 12 July

Got something to share or want to advertise? The deadline is: 5pm Monday 8 July

Contact us by email: ranger@countryside-jobs.com (don't reply to this email)