We are a member of the Rural Services Network

image of membership details for CJS to the Rural Services Network. Shows the CJS and RSN logos with a green banner at the top featuring the word ‘members’. A clip art image of a membership card appears in the top left corner with a star on it.

The National Voice for Rural Areas - the Rural Services Network is a membership organisation and works on behalf of members as the national champion for rural services. They support member organisations through the sharing of best practice and rural expertise, and advocate on their behalf to ensure that the rural voice is raised up the agenda with parliamentarians and decision makers.

We thought it was a good idea to get involved so, we’ve taken out a further year of membership and hope the year will bring rural regeneration leading to rural jobs – and those jobs we’ll be sure to share with you. 

Find out more about the organisation at https://www.rsnonline.org.uk and see all our Endorsements here.