A survey to find out how environmental organisations recruit & value young people - can you help?
Yorkshire Wildlife Trust’s Tomorrow’s Natural Leaders have created an online survey to find out how environmental organisations recruit and value young people, and where there may be gaps or failings in our society that create barriers for young people entering the environmental sector.
They would be grateful if you could complete the survey and also forward the details to any relevant contacts, ideally before 9th August 2020. The survey, which should take c. 5-10 minutes to complete, can be accessed here.
They hope to use the results of this survey, which is being sent out to environmental sector organisations all across the UK, to inform a free online conference that we are hosting on 12th August 2020. A representative from your organisation would be welcome to attend this conference - you can book here
A report on the findings of our survey will also be made widely available - we hope it may be of use to organisations such as yours as well as to young people.

They hope to use the results of this survey, which is being sent out to environmental sector organisations all across the UK, to inform a free online conference that we are hosting on 12th August 2020. A representative from your organisation would be welcome to attend this conference - you can book here
A report on the findings of our survey will also be made widely available - we hope it may be of use to organisations such as yours as well as to young people.