CJS Professional: August 2022
The latest edition of CJS Professional is now online, read it in full here: http://www.countryside-jobs.com/professional/ (you may need to
refresh your browser)
Click the headers to browse each section, or
click on each item
Featured Job:
Two permanent Arborist roles with Kirklees
At Kirklees we want to be innovative and creative in the way
we work to deliver our services to our communities and we are always looking for
better and smarter ways to work. The Parks and Greenspace Operational Delivery
team work together to manage and maintain the councils parks, greenspaces, play
areas and trees. The primary role of the Arborist is to undertake works on
behalf of the council working within the Forestry section who are responsible
for the management of trees. [more]
33 adverts for posts including one self-employed contract included in this
Please note adverts are deleted as they reach the closing date.
Scroll down or click here to see more information on this month's vacancies
We're delighted to be sponsoring the CIEEM’s Higher Education Programme Award again.
CIEEM Awards 2023 will soon be opening for nominations!
The first Awards open for nominations in August and are outlined below, with the rest of the Awards opening in October. Keep an eye on the CIEEM website for updates. Awards Launching in August: CIEEM’s Higher Education Programme Award, sponsored by CJS. CIEEM’s Postgraduate Student Project Award, sponsored by Stantec [more]
Organisation profile: RSN - National Champion for Rural Services: CJS are RSN members and we were delighted that they chose to profile CJS in the July newsletter. The Rural Services Network is an independent organisation that campaigns for a better deal for rural communities in England. Find out more about RSN aims and benefits of membership here.
Unlock your future. About to or just graduated? Looking for your first countryside, conservation, ecology job?CJS offers all new graduates and current students a full year's subscription to CJS Weekly completely free of charge. All you need to do is fill in the form and we'll start sending you weekly copies. [more]
Please share our free subscription information with any new graduates or current students looking to start their careers. You'll find the same information on our facebook page here so you can share that post if it's easier.
New to Nature – Opportunity for employers in the environmental sector Groundwork has launched a new programme of paid work placements designed to help diversify the natural environment sector. Applications are now open for organisations across the UK who can provide natural environment-focused work placements from the start of 2023 [more]
From our Featured Charity for 2022: Countryside Classroom Passport
Countryside Classroom works with partners to produce the very best curriculum linked resources covering a range of issues relating to healthy eating and sustainability. One popular resource aimed at Primary school aged children is an activity booklet called the Countryside Classroom Passport. The Countryside Classroom Passport has three exciting sections with a range of challenges asking children to find out, write, make, draw, do, and visit, all encouraging students to discover topical issues relating to food, farming and the natural environment. [more]
Features and In Depth Features
Virtual Fencing, a Conservation
Graze-Changer? By Kelly Hunt, Assistant Ranger, Stour Valley (BCP
Thought sheep were stupid did you? Well turns out even they can
learn the technicalities of virtual fencing. Kelly's recent MSc dissertation
involved a trial investigating the effectiveness of using virtual paddocks for
conservation grazing purposes. By the end of the trial, the sheep were
successfully grazing in paddocks with incomplete physical fencing or a lack of
fencing all together. [more ]
A meet the CJS Team post. Will the water always flow? By Amy Worley, CJS Features Commissioning Editor
Spring water tastes nice, it has no chemicals added to it; yeah sure it contains all sorts of organisms that can be harmful to mankind but Amy at CJS wouldn’t swap it for mains even though at the moment the supply is running low. After one of the driest winters she’s known and the incredibly hot weather with no real rain for months and no rain on the horizon. Can she make it through? Find out about the measures Amy takes to keep the water flowing. [more]
National Highways: Low Nutrient
Grasslands - reducing maintenance and increasing biodiversity by Ben
Hewlett, Senior Environmental Advisor – Safety, Engineering & Standards MSc,
BSc (Hons)
The government owned National Highways operates, maintains &
improves the Strategic Road Network. As part of this they also look to improve
biodiversity on our roads. A policy introduced in 2020 stopped the use of
topsoil for newly created sites instead leaving the area as bare substrate to
naturally regenerate. Discover more on the reasons behind this and the success
seen. [more]
Plastic Free July: #PlasticInMammals research –
Looking at the ingestion of plastic by our UK small mammal
populations By Emily Thrift, MSci graduate from University of
Plastic pollution is a worry. Would you be surprised to know that
small terrestrial mammals have plastics in their body? Read about the
#PlasticInMammals project, the findings indicated that four of the seven species
studied, hedgehog, field vole, wood mouse and brown rat were found to contain
microplastics in their faeces. Delve in to more indepth analysis. [more]
It’s all about balance, an
opinion piece by Henry Barnard, Lead Ranger, Central Surrey Hills, National
A refreshing take on an employer getting it right. Henry says “During
the past ten years I have never once felt that I could not put my family first,
or that it would harm my career to do so. In fact, since working for the
National Trust I have been actively encouraged to take time with my family and
prioritise home life over work life. He wants to give other people the benefits
but is struggling to recruit. [more ]
If you want to write an article for CJS about your experiences in the
conservation sector then click here to find out more about how to do it. And
we're always on the look out for more Job Profiles find more about how to send yours
profile: Highways and PROW Officer For the Isle of Man
Government [more]
Current edition CJS
Focus on Employability – published on Monday 23 May Read it in full here.
Next Edition: CJS Focus on Working with Wildlife,
in association with The Wildlife Trusts, due for publication on 7
Now accepting early adverts, more information here.
Features from CJS Focus on Employability.
Working for Denbighshire Countryside Service:
learn about Claudia's role as a Ranger and how she secured a career in
environmental conservation. More information here or read the
article here.
Make Connections: Aidan Neary who
now works for Lincolnshire Wildlife Trust has had a winding path to his current
job. Discover his tips and read about the journey. More information here or read the
article here.
This year's Green Flag Awards list was published
this week, 2208 greenspaces are now proudly flying their flags along with 565
miles of Canal and River Trust waterways. UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology
reports that agri-environment measures boost wildlife populations in long-term
farm study. The Big Plastic Count report was published by Greenpeace and it
makes for depressing reading.
More good news for beavers and pine marten
too. Kent Wildlife Trust released bison into the wild to tackle climate change.
There was a milestone moment for the ospreys in Kielder with the successful
rearing of their 100th .
And finally some excellent news for our sector:
Department for Levelling Up, Housing & Communities announced that over 100
new and revamped parks across the UK and Groundwork launched a new youth
employment programme to support 70 young people into environmental jobs.
Calendar of events and short courses occurring in October plus additions made over the past month.
Sarah Warburton, Freelance Proofreader - with a
lifelong love of the outdoors
Sarah offers discounted rates for
non-profits. [more ]
Jobs - full details
Title, Employer, Location:, Basis: (contract details if known)
Kirklees Council. Huddersfield (Permanent)
Advice (Catchment Sensitive Farming), Natural England. National –
Northumbria, Cumbria, Yorkshire & North Lincolnshire Cheshire &
Lancashire, West Midlands, West Anglia, Wessex, Devon, Cornwall & IoS,
Sussex & Kent
Ecologist, EcoNorth Ltd. core team is based in Cramlington, Northumberland,
welcome applications from candidates based in Scotland, North West England or
Manager - Peatland Action Fund, RSPB Scotland. RSPB Scotland HQ – Edinburgh
(Fixed term to March 2026)
Worker - Lake Vyrnwy, Wales, RSPB Cymru. Lake Vyrnwy (Full time, 37.5 hpw, 5
month fixed term)
& Engagement Officer, North Pennines AONB Partnership. AONB Offices,
Stanhope (Temporary contract for 15 months, extended for 4 years subject to
Officer, Manx BirdLife. Laxey, Isle of Man (4dpw)
Forest Manager, Bronwin & Abbey Ltd. Worcester
Plan Project Officer, Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority. Bainbridge,
Leyburn (with hybrid working) (Contract to 28/07/24, 30hpw)
Manager / Senior Harvesting Manager - South East Scotland, Scottish
Woodlands. South East Scotland
GIS Analyst, RSPB. Sandy or Edinburgh (2 year fixed term, full time role
Conservation Scientist, RSPB. Flexible in England (permanent role 37.5
Manager - Sunart Reserves, RSPB Scotland. Glenborrodale (Permanent
Operative, Kilmaha Forestry & Countryside Management. Based in
Ross-On-Wye, Herefordshire but working across the region (Permanent)
& Farm Manager, Elan Valley Trust. Rhayader, Powys (37.5hpw)
Ranger, South West Lakes Trust. Burrator Reservoir (Dartmoor Area)
(Permanent, 40hpw to include weekends, Bank Holidays and evenings)
Officer, BASC. Home-Based ideally be based in Essex, Suffolk or South
Wildlife Site Ranger, South West Lakes Trust. Roadford Lake office base with
home working (7 month contract 09/22 - 03/23, 18.75hpw to include weekends, Bank
Holidays and evenings)
Technician (Ground Worker), Bonny's Wood. Hassocks, West Sussex
Craftsperson - Devon, Forestry England. Kennford, nr Exeter, Devon (37 hours
usually worked Monday-Friday, with occasional weekend working required)
Networks Officer, Worcestershire Wildlife Trust. Worcestershire (Full time
contract to end of June 2023)
Ranger, National Trust. Dunwich Heath, Saxmundham (Permanent contract)
Ranger, National Trust. Killerton, Broadclyst, Exeter (Permanent)
Ranger, National Trust. Corfe Castle, Wareham (Permanent)
Regulatory Inspection Officer – Derbyshire, Nottinghamshire and
Leicestershire, Environment Agency.
of Conservation, Herefordshire Wildlife Trust. Herefordshire
Zero Policy Adviser, Scottish Land & Estates. Based at: Scottish Land
& Estates’ Headquarters, Musselburgh with hybrid working options
Officer, Staffordshire County Council. Based on Country Parks, working
across Staffordshire (Permanent, 37hpw)
Member / Leader, Wood-Land SW Ltd. Bridgwater, Somerset (full time)
- Forsinard Flows, RSPB Scotland. Forsinard Flows (Full time
Warden - North Kent Marshes, RSPB. Northward Hill Rochester, (Fixed term to
31/03/23, full time 37.5hpw)
Warden - Dungeness, RSPB. Dungeness, Romney Marsh, Kent (6 month fixed term
, full time)
Freelance, Self-employed and Contracts
out to Tender
Tree Nursery Coordinator, Bolghen Tree Nursery CIC. Trethowel, St Austell,
Cornwall (16 hours split over 3 days)
The next edition of CJS Professional will be published on: 8 September
Got something to share or want to advertise? The deadline is: 5pm Monday 5 September
Contact us by email: ranger@countryside-jobs.com (don't reply to this email)
If you have any suggestions about areas we could or should include please let us know and we'll try to fill in the gaps. Likewise if you have any information, events etc that you'd like featured please contact us (ranger@countryside-jobs.com) and we'll tell you what we can use and how to send it.