CJS Professional: December edition
The latest edition of CJS Professional is now online, read it in full here: www.countryside-jobs.com/Professional/current.htm You may need to refresh your browser.

Happy Christmas from CJS, this edition includes the vital deadlines and office hours for the festive period.
Download your CJS Calendar here.
Jobs advertised in this Month's edition:
Exploring Gilfach Project Officer, Radnorshire Wildlife Trust
‘Transforming the Trent Valley’ Landscape Partnership Development Manager, Staffordshire Wildlife Trust
Events and Education Assistants (part-time), Gloucestershire Wildlife Trust (One post each at Robinswood Hill, Gloucester and Greystones Farm nature reserve, Bourton on the Water.)
Ecologist, Neo Environmental (Belfast)
Experienced Estate Worker, BH Sporting Ltd (Highland Estate)
Senior Reserves Manager - South, Gloucestershire Wildlife Trust
Senior Ecologists, FPCR - an independent multidisciplinary consultancy (near Derby and Dorking, Surrey)
Streatham Common Local Nature Reserve Projects and Volunteer Co-ordinator, Streatham Common Co-operative -SCCoop
Biodiversity Network Officer, The Wildlife Trust Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire & Northamptonshire (Bedford)
CJS Notices
Welcome to CJS's new Featured Charity: Plantlife. We will be supporting and promoting Plantlife over the coming year.
Read the first article from them, The meadow maker, all about the role of yellow rattle.
Creating your own wildflower meadow? Spread a little bit of magic with yellow rattle, nature’s own lawnmower, says Plantlife’s botanical specialist, Dr Trevor Dines
CJS Focus on Overcoming Barriers in full with PDF download option.
The lead article from Natural England (on behalf of the Outdoor Recreation Network) discusses nature based interventions for mental health and wellbeing. Access to nature for dementia sufferers has been studied by Alison Irving who is now carrying out a 3 year project with RSPB. The Sensory Trust describes some ways of engaging the senses outdoors and Heritage Insider suggests that improving accessibility can benefit all visitors. Black Environment Network gives us some ideas of how countryside sites can encourage the BAME community to get outdoors; Natural Resources Wales profile their highly successful Come Outside! model. Surrey Choices works with volunteers with learning disabilities to manage public spaces. The barriers encountered by disabled people when trying to access to the countryside from Phil Chambers & the pony driven transport from Pony Axe S helping people in wheelchairs to access country paths. ’Active Cairngorms’ campaign from Cairngorms NPA is increasing participation in outdoor activities.
CJS Focus on Volunteering, in association with Keep Britain Tidy
Before you sink into a food coma brought on by too many mince pies or collapse in a heap from the mad panic of buying everything in sight - otherwise known as the Chaotic Christmas Syndrome - get one job out of the way and send your adverts for next season's volunteer cohort for inclusion in CJS Focus. This edition will be published on 13 February with a deadline of 3 February 2017 but we're accepting adverts now. More information can be found here
Advance Notice, other subjects to be covered in 2017 are: Fundraising and Promotion, and Arboriculture and Forestry.
Surveys and Citizen Science: We asked if you'd like details of recently updated surveys, bioblitzes and citizen science to be included in CJS Professional, and you said yes! So for the first time under the Training heading you'll find information on listings added or updated during the past month. Click here to see additions made during November.
Top headlines from the past month: Click here to read
Training Calendar Click here to read
Short Courses and Events in February. 3 pages
Send information about your training courses today to training@countryside-jobs.com or submit online here. Also look at the new options for greater promotion and revised rates.
Grants and Funding Click here
8 new funding sources listed
Print length this edition: 104
That's a lot to read however CJS Professional is set so that you can skim the headers and pick out the articles that are appropriate for you or use the links above to go direct to each section.
The next edition of CJS Professional will be published on: 8 December
Got something to share or want to advertise? The deadline is: 5pm Monday 5 December
Contact us by email: ranger@countryside-jobs.com
Happy Christmas from CJS, this edition includes the vital deadlines and office hours for the festive period.
Download your CJS Calendar here.
Jobs advertised in this Month's edition:
Exploring Gilfach Project Officer, Radnorshire Wildlife Trust
‘Transforming the Trent Valley’ Landscape Partnership Development Manager, Staffordshire Wildlife Trust
Events and Education Assistants (part-time), Gloucestershire Wildlife Trust (One post each at Robinswood Hill, Gloucester and Greystones Farm nature reserve, Bourton on the Water.)
Ecologist, Neo Environmental (Belfast)
Experienced Estate Worker, BH Sporting Ltd (Highland Estate)
Senior Reserves Manager - South, Gloucestershire Wildlife Trust
Senior Ecologists, FPCR - an independent multidisciplinary consultancy (near Derby and Dorking, Surrey)
Streatham Common Local Nature Reserve Projects and Volunteer Co-ordinator, Streatham Common Co-operative -SCCoop
Biodiversity Network Officer, The Wildlife Trust Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire & Northamptonshire (Bedford)
CJS Notices
Welcome to CJS's new Featured Charity: Plantlife. We will be supporting and promoting Plantlife over the coming year.
Read the first article from them, The meadow maker, all about the role of yellow rattle.
Creating your own wildflower meadow? Spread a little bit of magic with yellow rattle, nature’s own lawnmower, says Plantlife’s botanical specialist, Dr Trevor Dines
CJS Focus on Overcoming Barriers in full with PDF download option.
The lead article from Natural England (on behalf of the Outdoor Recreation Network) discusses nature based interventions for mental health and wellbeing. Access to nature for dementia sufferers has been studied by Alison Irving who is now carrying out a 3 year project with RSPB. The Sensory Trust describes some ways of engaging the senses outdoors and Heritage Insider suggests that improving accessibility can benefit all visitors. Black Environment Network gives us some ideas of how countryside sites can encourage the BAME community to get outdoors; Natural Resources Wales profile their highly successful Come Outside! model. Surrey Choices works with volunteers with learning disabilities to manage public spaces. The barriers encountered by disabled people when trying to access to the countryside from Phil Chambers & the pony driven transport from Pony Axe S helping people in wheelchairs to access country paths. ’Active Cairngorms’ campaign from Cairngorms NPA is increasing participation in outdoor activities.
CJS Focus on Volunteering, in association with Keep Britain Tidy
Before you sink into a food coma brought on by too many mince pies or collapse in a heap from the mad panic of buying everything in sight - otherwise known as the Chaotic Christmas Syndrome - get one job out of the way and send your adverts for next season's volunteer cohort for inclusion in CJS Focus. This edition will be published on 13 February with a deadline of 3 February 2017 but we're accepting adverts now. More information can be found here
Advance Notice, other subjects to be covered in 2017 are: Fundraising and Promotion, and Arboriculture and Forestry.
Surveys and Citizen Science: We asked if you'd like details of recently updated surveys, bioblitzes and citizen science to be included in CJS Professional, and you said yes! So for the first time under the Training heading you'll find information on listings added or updated during the past month. Click here to see additions made during November.
Top headlines from the past month: Click here to read
Training Calendar Click here to read
Short Courses and Events in February. 3 pages
Send information about your training courses today to training@countryside-jobs.com or submit online here. Also look at the new options for greater promotion and revised rates.
Grants and Funding Click here
8 new funding sources listed
Print length this edition: 104
That's a lot to read however CJS Professional is set so that you can skim the headers and pick out the articles that are appropriate for you or use the links above to go direct to each section.
The next edition of CJS Professional will be published on: 8 December
Got something to share or want to advertise? The deadline is: 5pm Monday 5 December
Contact us by email: ranger@countryside-jobs.com