What we do with your data.

Today there's a survey out from the Chartered Institute of Marketing saying that most people have no idea what companies need their data for and are worried about what they do with it. The BBC story about it can be read here.

It seems timely to remind you about CJS's data policy - which we call our Privacy Policy.  In short it is: Not to sell, give or exchange your details with anyone not entitled to have access to them.  That last bit is because people like HMRC sometimes need to examine our records.  We only ever ask you for the minimum details required to deliver your newsletters meaning we hold very little about you.

Read it in full here.  This page also has information about cookies.

And remember CJS is registered with the Information Commissioner's Office (Register entry: Z9570707). If you want to know what we hold about you we are happy to send a copy of your record to the address we have on file for you - that's so that we know it's going to you and no one else.

So now you know!