CJS Professional: November edition.

CJS Professional: 12 November 2020

Click the headers to browse each section, or click on each item 


Title, Employer, Location:, Basis: (contract details if known)

Assistant Warden, Rhinns of Islay Reserves,RSPB.  Loch Gruinart, Isle of Islay (Full time, Permanent)

Biodiversity Officer, Powys County Council.  Work Base: The Gwalia, Llandrindod Wells / Agile (35 hours, Fixed term until 21/03/2022)

Project Manager, Adur & Worthing Councils.  Lancing (37hpw)

Conservation Officer - Morecambe Bay and Cumbria, RSPB.  Lancashire (part-time, 22.5 hpw, permanent)

Senior or Principal Arboriculture Consultant, Thomson Environmental Consultants.  Guildford, Surrey - will also consider Birmingham, Cardiff, Leeds or Manchester

Reserves Officer (Northants), Wildlife Trust for Bedfordshire, Northamptonshire and Cambridgeshire.  Northampton (Full time: 37.5hpw)

Livestock Assistant (Northants), Wildlife Trust for Bedfordshire, Northamptonshire and Cambridgeshire.  Northampton (Full time: 37.5hpw, fixed term for 2 years)

Ecologist, Echoes Ecology Ltd.  Based in Polmont near Falkirk, working throughout Scotland (Full time)



Kent Wildlife Trust: High Downs Project Volunteer Trainee Warden

Fixed Term of 11 months. This is an unpaid voluntary position. Reasonable travel and other authorised expenses may be claimed. Based at: KWT Reserve Park Gate Down, nr Canterbury [more]


CJS Information 

An important announcement from CJS: We're planning a longer break at Christmas than usual to take some time to process this most peculiar of years and to recharge ready for whatever comes next. [more]

Over the past few months we've welcomed so many new readers to the CJS family that our readership information is now out of date.  To ensure that we continue to source and publish the right information and best jobs for you we're asking everyone to complete a short survey, should only take you a few minutes. For every survey competed we'll sponsor either plants with Plantlife or birds with the Wildlife Trusts - your choice. And one survey will get a membership package to featured charity The Mammal Society. [more - or take the survey now

Some good news from CJS:  Following the success of our bounceback offers we've further simplified the regular advertising options offering even better value for our highly rated targeted advertising putting you in touch with a network of the very best professionals from across the spectrum of countryside, ecology, wildlife and environment conservation. [more]


We're running regular Facebook Live sessions, details:

What is your thing?

This is one of the questions Simon Roper asks to make you, as a career changer or new entrant, think about what you can focus on. It may be plants, it may be badgers, it can be anything. Find out more and watch Simon's Facebook Live session. [more]

How can conservation professionals support developing careers. Join Brian Heppenstall, Senior Ranger of Hengistbury Head, on Friday 4th December at 4pm for a Facebook Live Session on CJS Jobs, to discuss this in more detail. [more]


One to share: Placements available on the SOS-UK scheme, called Race for Nature. [more


In the final article from this year's Featured Charity: We meet some of the Mammal Society Team

As we get close to the end of the year we thought it might make a change to put the spotlight on a few members of the Mammal Society team. [more]


Features and In Depth Features


Contributing to our communities is good for us and good for our communities too.

The Centre for Ageing Better has worked in partnership with the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) to explore how to enable more people aged 50 and over to contribute to their communities. [more]

Hedgehogs at threat: Why we’re losing the nation’s favourite mammal and how universities are helping.  By Jo Wilkinson, Hedgehog Friendly Campus
A recent report from the Mammal Society lists hedgehogs on Britain’s IUCN Red List as vulnerable to extinction. Their numbers have declined by as much as 50% in the last 20 years, facing such continued threats as roads and loss of natural habitat. The question is, how have we come to this point and what’s being done to turn it around? [more]

Colouring in the margins: Discovering the arable habitat and resources to help.

Colour in the Margins is a Back from the Brink project running since 2018. Led by Plantlife in partnership with the RSPB it has been working to secure the future of some of our rarest arable species. The project has targeted the conservation of 13 key species: ten plants and three ground beetles that rely on the farmed environment. [more]

Coronavirus, lockdown and the benefits of being in nature by Miles King is CEO of People Need Nature

The Coronavirus known as Covid19 has changed our lives during 2020. And this has led to a dramatic increase in the number of people spending time outside, often locally, near their homes. How do we know? [more

National Mentoring Day – Finding a Mentor in the Conservation Sector By Emily Seccombe

Are you interested in a career in conservation but unsure where to start? On National Mentoring Day (27th October) and we gave A Focus on Nature an opportunity to highlight their mentoring scheme, for 18-30 year olds. [more]

Getting into Ecological Consultancy: Degree vs Experience  By Chris Cathrine of Caledonian Conservation Ltd.

Academic qualifications or experience? It’s a big question, and a difficult one to answer. [more]

The Ramblers – helping everyone enjoy walking in winter. The Ramblers are launching a Walk in Winter campaign to encourage people to walk safely near them to enjoy the uplifting boost of walking in nature - on their own, with family or friends, or their dog, using the online Ramblers Routes collection of walks. [more]

Litter picking is not a sustainable solution for the countryside - we need systemic change to clean up trashed Britain. For those people who don’t know us, Clean Up Britain (CLUB) is the only national campaigning organisation that is 100% focused on confronting litter and fly-tipping. We’re a Community Interest Company, and Jeremy Paxman is our Patron. It’s incredibly sad to say, but Britain is the most littered country in the western world. [more]

Can you help us to map tree canopy cover for urban areas across the UK?  Trees for Cities, Brillianto and Forest Research are hosting a citizen science project to map the canopy cover of the UK’s towns and cities. Help us to build this canopy cover map by measuring the canopy cover in your local area! [more]

Bridging the Gap: barriers and solutions for young people entering the environmental sector  By Sam Buckton

As young people on Yorkshire Wildlife Trust’s Tomorrow’s Natural Leaders (TNL) Programme, we felt that change was needed and took it upon ourselves to facilitate it. [more]


CJS Focus

CJS Focus will become more career orientated in 2021 and the most popular edition each year is the one on volunteering. So that's where we're starting again with CJS on Volunteering to be published in February 2021.




All the month's news including Tree of the Year, the latest developments in gamebird release and licensing discussions, the impacts of lockdown conotniue to be felt but there are hopes for a green recovery as the importance of greensapces is acknowledged with the first nature prescriptions being issued in Edinburgh, and the cutest spider you've ever seen has been rediscovered in Surrey.



Recently added online courses and webinars plus calendar of face to face courses running in January 2021

Tree Council keeping nation #TreelyConnected through online arts and culture events for National Tree Week: 28 November to 6 December 

With many of us getting to know our local treescapes like never before during this challenging year, we are realising that our trees need us – and we need them - more than ever. [more]


Grants and sources of funding

Des Rubens and Bill Wallace Grant

Grants for individuals (£200-£2000) to give people the opportunity to seek out life-changing experiences in wild places of the world in ways which will benefit both the person, and the wild places themselves



The next edition of CJS Professional will be published on: 10 December

Got something to share or want to advertise? The deadline is: 5pm Monday 7 December