CJS Professional: February 2015

The latest edition of CJS Professional is now online, read it in full here: www.countryside-jobs.com/Professional/current.htm   You may need to refresh your browser.
It's another big one, this month running to 89 pages!

Jobs advertised in this Month's edition:
Principal Ecologist, amec foster wheeler (Edinburgh, Penicuik)
Seasonal Field Surveyors , Ecology Solutions (Hertfordshire office base, surveys UK wide)
Assistant Ecologist, amec foster wheeler (Edinburgh, Penicuik)
Ecological Clerk of Works and Field Ornithologist, Energised Environments Ltd (Glasgow)
Graduate Trainee: Seed Research, Procurement & Treatment, Maelor Forest Nurseries Limited (Welsh/Shropshire border)
Papay Heritage Ranger Harnessing Papay’s Rich Heritage project, funded by the Coastal Community Fund (Papa Westray, Orkney)
Ranger, Crowborough Town Council (East Sussex)
Ecologist, Aspect Ecology (Oxfordshire)
Wildlife Records Inter, Exmoor National Park
Director, Woodland Heritage (flexible location)
Local Wildlife Sites Surveyor, West Yorkshire Ecology
Head of Conservation & Development, the Chiltern Society (Chesham, Buckinghamshire)
Forestry Manager, Treelands Limited (Stirling)
Ecological Project Officer Five Rivers Environmental Contracting (Salisbury)

Other adverts:
Do you work in the countryside sector?  The Countryside Management Association (CMA) is the professional body in England and Wales for rangers and managers of countryside and any green spaces, whether urban or rural.  CMA is running a survey of people across the profession, you don't have to be a member to take part, more details in the edition.

CJS Notices
CJS Focus on Volunteering
This edition includes CJS Focus on Volunteering in full.
NCVO provide a lead article on volunteering and diversity, with lots of tips on how best to attract, motivate and retain volunteers. CNP detail their Mosaic project and how volunteers can get involved. CSA provides some information on how to use social media to best effect and how to involve volunteers in the process. Find out why there’s never been a better time to employ an Apprentice. Steve Rogers analyses some very interesting data on toad patrols he has helped to organise in North Yorkshire. This edition also includes 111 specific volunteer positions most included only in the Focus and many adverts for projects, websites, work days & volunteering offers. Read it here

Top headlines from the past month: Click here to read

Training Calendar for  April 2015 Click here to read
The Species Recovery Trust is immensely excited to unveil the Golden Ticket 2015.  
As part of our commitment to fostering the next generation of aspiring conservationists, this year we are offering one individual a free place on ten of our training courses, normally worth £750.

If you run training courses or events for likeminded countryside professionals please send details to Helen on training@countryside-jobs.com  or feel free to recommend providers and we'll contact them to include their courses (you're not committing yourself or them to anything, and like most things with CJS it's free!)