
Lovely warm sunshine all week, but not quite as much as TB who is sitting on a beach in Alicante knitting (yes, she's taken her knitting on holiday, needles safely in the suitcase). Good job it's been a quiet week without our fastest editor, back next week so you can start sending those job ads now!
On Wednesday evening the chirrup of bats was heard for the first time this year. The new (Christmas pressie from NC, thanks) bat detector was taken out and once a smoke alarm had been robbed of its battery, don't worry we replaced it later, the small speaker soon gave the squelch of a pipistrelle out of hibernation and looking for supper. We're hoping to hear brown long ears (they use the garage as a summer roost) and to catch the squeak of daubentons and noctules on their way across the fields to the river and nearly trees.
In fact it's been far too lovely to be stuck in the office...
CJS Weekly is now rolling off the printers, this week it's 10 sides long with 58 new paid posts, 40 of which came direct to CJS. it also contains the one thousandth vacancy advertised this year as well as the latest advance warning of the impending subscription rates change.