A bit of a blow - hold onto your hats

And your coats, your dogs and if possible something nailed down, to say it's rather blustery out there is somewhat of an understatement. We've just seen a dustbin go flying past the window, the field in front of the office is full bits of debris from the building plot down the road, torn off tree, out of bins, I'm sure you can imagine. Very few birds around, they're all wedged in somewhere out of the gale. But at least the wind is drying up the very wet ground. We have the first shoots from the bulbs are beginning to show above the ground, some of the shrubs have little green tips and the cobnuts have small catkins just waiting for some sun and warmth to burst open, first signs of spring all around – we must get the apple trees and roses pruning finished before it's too late.

But here in the snug, cosy office (a little too warm if we're honest, the wind is fair making the woodstove roar away!) we've been beavering away and this week's edition of CJS is now printing. It is 14 sides this week including lots of voluntary posts as we try to catch up on the backlog of those previously put on hold to allow space for the paid posts to be published. There are 95 new paid posts plus a few re-ads, 50 of the jobs were sent direct to CJS from the employer.

Quick word of warning. Our web hosts are migrating from one server to another over the weekend and this may disrupt service to the website and possibly emails. If you email us and don’t get a reply by the end of Monday please contact us as it may have got stuck.