One thousand jobs!
Monday's edition of CJS Weekly contains the one thousandth vacancy advertised by CJS since January. Since the beginning of the year we've advertised over 1000 new, not previously advertised, paid UK vacancies plus a few international ones and loads of volunteers too which we don't count in the overall jobs total. Monday's edition is 17 pages with 129 vacancies, 68 of which came direct to CJS.
Here are a few stats for the number-crunchers (that'll be me then), we've advertised 1004 jobs, 598 came direct. That’s 59.6% direct to CJS. If you've subscribed and received every copy since 15/1 it's cost you 0.93p per advertised vacancy.
The training section has grown over the past couple of weeks and today a whole host of new courses have been added to the online rolling programme and there are now over 900 different courses and events listed. We have also added a few new providers and longer courses. So have a look at: