CJS Professional: May 2024 edition.

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The latest edition of CJS Professional is now online, read it in full here: http://www.countryside-jobs.com/professional/  (you may need to refresh your browser)

Click the headers to browse each section, or click on each item 


16 adverts for posts plus one for a trainee post included in this edition.
Please note adverts are deleted as they reach the closing date.


Apprenticeships, Trainees and Interns

Six adverts included in this edition - for Royal Horticultural Society work placements and Quantock and Exmoor Ltd, the largest peatland restoration company in the South West of England.



Need more hands? CJS has a huge range of free advertising available for all your volunteer activities. Here is a brief run down of what's available  [more]


CJS Information 

Hard work but well worth it - the ins and outs of rural living for our Meet the Team series By Amy Worley, Features Commissioning Editor, Amy lives just up the hill from Goathland in a very small isolated hamlet, she talks about some of the realities of living in the countryside. [more]

We have again renewed our membership to the Climate Coalition [more]

CIEEM 2024 Awards Shortlist Revealed on their website. Congratulations to all of the shortlisted nominees  CJS is delighted to continue our association with the Awards; this year sponsoring the NGO impact award. [more]

We are a member of the Rural Services Network, renewed for 2024-25 [more]

Features and In Depth Features

In case you missed it, 7 features worth revisiting

CJS Focus

Current Edition: CJS Focus on Volunteering in association with Chester Zoo. Published on 5 February 2024, read it here
Next Edition: CJS Focus on Visitor Management, in association with the Visitor Studies Group. Due for publication on 24 June 2024.  This edition will contain articles about working in this area, job profiles and anything associated with working in visitor management. [Find out more here]
Features from CJS Focus on Volunteering in Association with Chester Zoo
Unlocking the Potential: Nurturing Volunteer Management Skills for Conservation Professionals By: Brian Heppenstall, previous Countryside, Wildlife and Environment Course Manager, Kingston Maurward College  More information here or read the article here
Eat, sleep, breathe ecology: why I volunteer on top of a full time job - A personal viewpoint More information here or read the article here 


News from the month



Twice a year we remind training providers to send us their latest listings for inclusion in the CJS Training Directory, the spring reminder went out last month and there's been a lot of action on the Directory as new courses have been added and updates made.  Calendar of events and short courses occurring in July plus additions made over the past month.

Join SocEnv virtually for a special celebration of the environmental professional community. This exciting event is taking place on Tuesday 4th June 2024, starting at 2pm, in person places now sold out but booking is being taken for virtual attendance. [more



The next edition of CJS Professional will be published on: 13 June

Got something to share or want to advertise? The deadline is: 5pm Monday 10 June

Contact us by email: ranger@countryside-jobs.com (don't reply to this email)

If you have any suggestions about areas we could or should include please let us know and we'll try to fill in the gaps.  Likewise if you have any information, events etc that you'd like featured please contact us (ranger@countryside-jobs.com) and we'll tell you what we can use and how to send it