August Features Roundup

close up view of juicy blackberries on the bush. Text reads: August Roundup
It’s back to school for a big portion of the population this week, but there’s still plenty of things you can learn even if you’re not one of the ones heading into a classroom. This month saw a whole host of interesting articles about the state of UK wildlife, the actions we can take to bring things back into balance, and the skills needed to do so.

We started the month strong with #YorkshireDay and Yorkshire Wildlife Trust’s first ever State of Yorkshire’s Nature results! Showing just how important Yorkshire is for UK species. The Field Studies Council, in partnership with the Royal Society of Biology, launched Signs of Spring back in January and we were lucky enough to get some insight into the results! We got to hear George’s story from an uninspired college graduate all the way to finding his passion as an arb manager with Cotswold Group LTD. Stacey at Wildlife Aid shared what it’s really like in the rehabilitation sector, and we discovered that it certainly is no picnic! We found out the future of green jobs with CIEEM as they talked to us about how to fill the gap in suitably skilled candidates applying for roles in the sector. Populations of wild deer are only growing, as is the pressure they are putting on the natural environment. English Woodlands Forestry talked to us about the options to help manage them and bring things back into balance. Last but not least, our featured charity The Rivers Trust, who has decades of experience in getting boots on the ground - or wellies in the water - advocated for nature-based solutions for flood and water management.

If any of these articles caught your interest, or you’re curious about what other informative pieces you can find to broaden your knowledge of the natural world and the work that goes on in and around it, then head over to our website. This month’s articles - and more - are ready for you, here