UN International Day of Charity

Charity, like the notions of volunteerism and philanthropy, provides real social bonding and contributes to the creation of inclusive and more resilient societies. Charity can alleviate the worst effects of humanitarian crises, supplement public services in health care, education, housing and child protection. It assists the advancement of culture, science, sports, and the protection of cultural and natural heritage. It also promotes the rights of the marginalized and underprivileged and spreads the message of humanity in conflict situations.
The International Day of Charity was established with the objective of sensitizing and mobilizing people, NGOs, and stakeholders all around the world to to help others through volunteer and philanthropic activities.
The date of 5 September was chosen in order to commemorate the anniversary of the passing away of Mother Teresa of Calcutta, who received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1979 "for work undertaken in the struggle to overcome poverty and distress, which also constitute a threat to peace." There's more about this day here.

Much of the valuable work in the countryside and for our wildlife is carried out by charities, both large and small. CJS supports as many charities as we can, in all sorts of ways, from offering free advertising for jobs and volunteers and coverage for their news and events to featuring one charity per year as our 'Featured Charity'. You can find out more about these here.
And for why we offer so much free advertising and keep our advertising rates as low as we possibly can see here

If you are interested in volunteering to help out wildlife or the countryside look at what's currently available here; and watch out for the next edition of CJS Focus on Volunteering this one in association with RSPB and is due for publication on Monday 18 September.