Owl vs bat
Yesterday evening it was very warm so I had the sitting room windows
open, dusk falls quite early and by nine it was dark outside. It was
surprisingly quiet, no cars, no people just the noise of the breeze in
the trees and then the owls waking up. One started hooting really close
by so I looked out and there on top of next door’s chimney was the
unmistakable silhouette of a tawny; after a few more hoots it fell
silent, its head bobbing up and down and swaying from side to side
obviously trying to get a ‘lock onto’ its prey. We have lots of mice
and voles in the garden so I was hoping it might swoop down right in
front of me. Sure enough the owl launched itself from the chimney pot
but its target was not a small rodent but rather ambitiously a bat! The
owl stooped down, flicked its wings back, feet forward and talons out
(doing quite a good impression of a sparrowhawk); initially I wondered
what on earth it was doing but then a bat jinked left, right and then
going up over the owl before disappearing at high speed round the side
of the house faster than I think I’ve seen a bat fly before. The owl
righted itself and flew quite lazily right past the window heading off
down the hedgeline towards more productive hunting across the fields at
the top of the incline.