A bumper edition.

This week's edition contains the 2007 Special Edition supplement featuring Trees and Hedges, as before it's in association with the Tree Council. This year we've focused on Wood Fuel and Urban Trees with articles from The Woodland Trust, CVNI and Trees for Cities. There are loads of adverts and a whole heap of training courses. To see the special click here.

You'll also find the first monthly Training Calendar in this week's edition. This includes, in chronological order, brief details of courses and events being held during the next calendar month and an update on new online listings for longer courses and providers. The online training section has also had a bit of a revamp. Courses are now detailed according to type, so if you're looking to brush up your identification skills you no longer need to wade through courses on how to make biodiesel. Log onto: http://www.countryside-jobs.com/index/training.htm to find out more.

This week's edition is 11 pages of jobs, 2 of training plus a further 11 of Special Edition – wow! There are 83 new paid posts of which 41 were sent direct to CJS.